CEE Deals of the Year Awards – Country Selection Committee Participation

Jelena Gazivoda and Lana Vukmirovic Misic, Senior Partners at JPM & Partners, have been chosen to be part of the Country Selection Committees for the 2023 CEE Deals of the Year Awards. These awards are the most respected and prestigious in the legal industry of Central and Eastern Europe, as they are selected by peers.

As members of the Country Selection Committees, Jelena and Lana played a key role in evaluating the shortlisted submissions from Serbia and Montenegro and contributing to the selection of the ultimate winners. Their inclusion in this committee underscores Jelena’s and Lana’s esteemed reputation, expertise, and dedication to the advancement of the legal and commercial landscapes within the region.

The CEE Legal Matters, the leading source of news and insights about lawyers and the legal sector in Central and Eastern Europe, has been awarding the CEE Deal of the Year since 2017. These awards honor the deals, financings, IPOs, and other transactions that contribute to regional growth, as well as the lawyers and law firms that make them happen.

“The credibility and integrity of these awards hinge upon the esteemed reputation and expertise of our Committee members,” emphasized CEE Legal Matters Managing Editor Radu Cotarcea. “We are privileged to have Jelena and Lana join this panel, bringing their wealth of knowledge and commitment to the table.”

The full list of jurors was announced here. The full list of selected shortlisted deals was announced here.

The CEE Deal of the Year finalists will be revealed in the April 2024 issue of the CEE Legal Matters magazine, and the winners will be announced by the Final Selection Committee at the annual CEE Deal of the Year Banquet on April 25, 2024, in Warsaw. You can find more information about the awards and the banquet.

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