JPM Law Office

Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy Sources, Current Status, and Possibilities

Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy Sources, Current Status, and Possibilities

The development strategy of energy in the Republic of Serbia until 2025 with projections until 2030, foresee an increase in the share of energy obtained from renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the Republic of Serbia as a strategic goal.

Draft Amendments to the Planning and Construction Act Adopted

Draft Amendments to the Planning and Construction Act Adopted

The Government of the Republic of Serbia, at its session held on 4 May 2023, adopted the Draft Amendments to the Planning and Construction Act, so that, in due course, the adoption of the Draft and the adoption of the amendments to the Planning and Construction Act can be expected.

JPM Managing Director to Moderate Panel on LegalTech at LEGAL 500 GC Summit in Sofia

JPM Managing Director to Moderate Panel on LegalTech at LEGAL 500 GC Summit in Sofia

We are pleased to announce that JPM Managing Director Nemanja Stepanović, will be moderating a panel on legal technology at the highly anticipated Legal 500 GC Summit in Sofia. The summit is scheduled to take place on May 30, 2023, at Sofia Balkan Palace Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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