JPM Law Office

Amendments to the Law on Foreigners and the Law on the Employment of Foreigners

Amendments to the Law on Foreigners and the Law on the Employment of Foreigners

The new amendments to the Law on foreigners and the Law on the employment of foreigners, significantly simplify and shorten the procedure for employment of foreign citizens in the Republic of Serbia.

New Rulebook for Business Entities Register and Registration Documents

New Rulebook for Business Entities Register and Registration Documents

The new Rulebook on the Content of the Business Entities Register and Documents Required for Registration has entered into force on August 5, 2023, thereby ceasing to be valid Rulebook on the Content of the Business Entities Register and Documents Required for Registration (hereinafter: “Previous Rulebook”).

Commercial Offences – Proceeding, Sanctions and Statute of Limitations

Commercial Offences – Proceeding, Sanctions and Statute of Limitations

It’s no secret that the thunderous development of information technologies, alternative financing methods, and frequent commercial transactions have led to the situation that certain traditional legal practice areas are getting less attention or are completely neglected due to their rigidity and formality.

The Legality of SKY ECC Evidence: A Controversy Over Privacy and Fair Trials

The Legality of SKY ECC Evidence: A Controversy Over Privacy and Fair Trials

After the roundtable discussion organized by the Lawyer’s Academy of the Serbian Bar Association on the topic of SKY ECC communication as evidence in criminal proceedings, we summarize the key conclusions on an extremely relevant issue – SKY ECC hacking.

Written Statements of Witnesses in Civil and Arbitration Proceedings

Written Statements of Witnesses in Civil and Arbitration Proceedings

According to positive regulations in the Republic of Serbia, each party shall present the facts and propose the evidence on which it bases its request or with which it disputes the allegations and evidence of the opponent.

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