JPM Law Office

Serbia is Moving Step Forward to EU Membership – Application of New Law on Protection of Personal Data Started on August 22, 2019

Serbia is Moving Step Forward to EU Membership – Application of New Law on Protection of Personal Data Started on August 22, 2019

In spite of request of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection (“The Commissioner“) for one year delay of the implementation of the new Serbian Law on Personal Data Protection (“Off. Gazette of the RS“ no. 87/2018) – “the Law“, the application of the Law has commenced from August 22, 2019.

Mattoni 1873 and PepsiCo successfully completed the purchase of Knjaz Milos

Mattoni 1873 and PepsiCo successfully completed the purchase of Knjaz Milos

  Mattoni 1873 and PepsiCo successfully completed the purchase of the leading Serbian producer of mineral waters and soft drinks Knjaz Milos.  Mattoni Group CEO Alessandro Pasquale today signed the share purchase agreement at the Czech Embassy in Belgrade with the leading investor in the private equity in Central and Eastern Europe Mid Europa Partners. […]

Singapore Convention on Mediation

Singapore Convention on Mediation

  The United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation, also known as the “Singapore Convention on Mediation”, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 December 2018, is opened for signatures at the signing ceremony in Singapore, held on 7 August 2019. Serbia is among the signatories. The Convention is an […]

JPM advised Groupe UP on entering into partnership with the current owners of Fitpass

JPM advised Groupe UP on entering into partnership with the current owners of Fitpass

JPM Jankovic Popovic Mitic acted as the legal advisor C.D Holding Internationale SAS (Groupe UP) on entering into a partnership with the current owners of a Serbian company Emergo Sport d.o.o. (Fitpass).

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