The Regulation on deadlines in administrative proceedings has been amended today to exclude all deadlines in the tax and customs procedure save for deadlines for appeals.
SBRA Cancels All Deadlines, Including Those for Enforced Liquidations
The Serbian Business Registers Agency announced that all the deadlines prescribed by the Company Law have been canceled starting from 26 of March 2020 and are to be reapplied after the state of emergency ends.
Deadlines in Administrative Procedures During the State of Emergency
Serbian competent authorities continue their legislative activities related to the state of emergency which was proclaimed on 15 March 2020.
Regulation on Deadlines in Court Proceedings During a State of Emergency
On 20 March 2020 the Government of the Republic of Serbia has rendered the Regulation on deadlines in court proceedings during a state of emergency declared on 15 March 2020.
COVID-19 Tax Relief Measures
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has introduced the first tax relief measures connected with the state of emergency due to COVID-19.
Impact of COVID19 Epidemic to Lease Agreements
The state of emergency affects the business operations of lessees and lessors of business premises, which include both business offices and retail premises.
CEELM Covid-19 Comparative Legal Guide: Contracts in Serbia
JPM Senior Associate Stefan Jovivčić contributed to Covid-19 Comparative Legal Guide: Contracts in Serbia.
Obtaining Permits for Employees Working Night Shifts
The Ministry of Economy started with issuing the permits for movement of employees who are performing work in night shifts (from 8 pm to 5 am the following day). Companies should fill in this FORM and send to the e-mail address of the Ministry of Economy .
In the light of the pandemic of COVID – 19, controllers are processing different types of personal data in their reasonable effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Such processing must comply with the Serbian Law on Personal Data Protection (“LPDP”).
National Bank of Serbia Announced Moratorium
The National Bank of Serbia announced moratorium on all debts towards banks and finance lease providers as a measure to preserve stability of the financial system of Serbia. The measure is part of actions undertaken by Serbian authorities during the declared state of emergency to fight the coronavirus.