JPM Law Office

Ordinary 2020 Annual General Meeting and Filing of 2019 Financial Reports Statutory Deadlines Extended

Ordinary 2020 Annual General Meeting and Filing of 2019 Financial Reports Statutory Deadlines Extended

The Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted new Regulation on extending the deadlines for holding a company’s regular General Meeting session and submission of the annual and consolidated financial statements.

The rights and obligations of the employers and employees during the state of emergency due to COVID-19 pandemic-Update

The rights and obligations of the employers and employees during the state of emergency due to COVID-19 pandemic-Update

The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted two conclusions outlining the rights and obligations of the employers and employees during the state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Update on Measures Concerning the Limitation and Prohibition of Movement

Update on Measures Concerning the Limitation and Prohibition of Movement

The worldwide pandemic of the COVID-19 has forced governments to undertake actions in order to fight the rapid spread of this infectious disease. Since   March 15, 2020, Serbian authorities have been imposing various kinds of measures for the purpose of protecting its citizens and preventing the spread of the COVID-19.

Misdemeanors During and Related to the State of Emergency Proclaimed Due to the Epidemic of the COVID19

Misdemeanors During and Related to the State of Emergency Proclaimed Due to the Epidemic of the COVID19

In relation to the State of Emergency and due to the Epidemic, the competent authorities of the Republic have rendered several relevant regulations, decisions, conclusions, and orders.

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