JPM Law Office

Serbia is Step Closer Towards Regulating Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies

Serbia is Step Closer Towards Regulating Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies

Serbian Chamber of Commerce has announced that the working group for drafting a proposal for legal framework to govern blockchain technology and trading with cryptocurrencies has been established.

The Natural gas transmission system Network Code of Gastrans has entered into force

The Natural gas transmission system Network Code of Gastrans has entered into force

On 30 May 2020 the Natural gas transmission system Network Code of Gastrans d.o.o. Novi Sad have entered into force, upon obtaining the consent of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia (AERS).

Fines for Violations of the Law of Protection of People from Infectious Diseases

Fines for Violations of the Law of Protection of People from Infectious Diseases

After the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia rendered the decision to revoke the state of emergency on 6 May 2020, both administrative authorities and businesses have gradually started to return to their regular activities.

Serbian Government Introduces the Loans Guarantee Scheme

Serbian Government Introduces the Loans Guarantee Scheme

The Serbian Government has adopted the new regulation for the state guarantee scheme as the collateral for the loans of local banks to companies in Serbia as part of the economic measures aimed to minimise the negative impacts of the spread of Covid-19 to Serbian economy ( the “Guarantee Scheme”).

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