JPM Law Office

Proposal for the Amendment of the Law on Public Notaries

Proposal for the Amendment of the Law on Public Notaries

The Government of the Republic of Serbia has proposed amendments to the Law on Public Notaries (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 31/2011, 85/2012, 19/2013, 55/2014 – other law, 93/2014 – other law, 121/ 2014, 6/2015 and 106/2015) with the purpose of introducing the obligation to solemnize monetary loan agreements between natural persons in the amount of EUR 10,000 and higher.

Power Play: EU’s New Rules on Market Giants’ Exclusionary Tactics

Power Play: EU’s New Rules on Market Giants’ Exclusionary Tactics

The European Union has drafted new guidelines on applying Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which prohibits dominant companies from engaging in abusive exclusionary practices.

Montenegro’s New Renewable Energy Regulation: Insights and Key Novelties

Montenegro’s New Renewable Energy Regulation: Insights and Key Novelties

The Parliament of Montenegro passed the Law on the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources, which was published in the Official Gazette of
Montenegro on August 23rd, 2024. The Law will enter into force on the eighth day of the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro

Bankruptcy – Consequences on the Course of the Civil Proceeding

Bankruptcy – Consequences on the Course of the Civil Proceeding

As a result of major market changes, business entities more often suspend their operations and become insolvent, during which arises the question of the collectability of the claims of their creditors and associates, as well as persons who are in other relationships with such insolvent business entities.

Procedure of Subsequent Verification of Proof of Origin of Goods

Procedure of Subsequent Verification of Proof of Origin of Goods Customs

When we first dealt with the text of the Regional Convention on Pan-Euro Mediterranean Preferential Rules of Origin (PEM Convention), we concluded that it is a notorious fact that the PEM Convention only regulates the manner of cooperation between customs administrations in cases where it is necessary to verify the existence, authenticity, accuracy, and validity of proof of origin of goods.

Important News in the Field of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property!

Important News in the Field of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property!

We are proud to share that the Court of Appeals of Montenegro has confirmed the ruling of the Commercial Court in a second-instance verdict, establishing a violation of the copyright of news photographer Stevo Vasiljević against the defendant, NGO “Radio Skala”

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