JPM Law Office

Antitrust proceedings against the biggest suppliers of ground coffee

Antitrust proceedings against the biggest suppliers of ground coffee

The Commission for Protection of Competition initiated ex officio antitrust proceedings against Atlantic Group, Atlantic Brands and Strauss Adriatic and conducted dawn raids, in order to investigate potential existence of restrictive agreements.

Montenegro – Court Injunction in favor of Adriatic Properties- resolvement expected upon arbitration proceedings in London

Montenegro – Court Injunction in favor of Adriatic Properties- resolvement expected upon arbitration proceedings in London

By the decision of the Commercial Court of Montenegro, issued on September 15, 2021, a Court Injunction has been imposed allowing Adriatic Properties, the lessee, to enjoy the leased property peacefully.

Right of the employee on severance pay – gross 1 or net amount?

Right of the employee on severance pay – gross 1 or net amount?

Although it seemed that the manner of determining severance pay and its payment was undisputed, JPM Partner Jelena Nikolic gives an overview of how the difference between the official stands of the highest courts in the country and the official opinions of the competent ministry, may lead to legal insecurities.

Public Bidding For Lease/Use of State-Owned Agricultural Land Exclusively Via Web Application

Public Bidding For Lease/Use of State-Owned Agricultural Land Exclusively Via Web Application

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia introduced the newest amendments of the Rulebook on Conditions and Procedure for Public Bidding for Lease/Use of State Owned Agricultural Land, which came into force on 24 June 2021.

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