JPM Law Office

EFET objects to the amendments to the Electricity Market Code of EMS

EFET objects to the amendments to the Electricity Market Code of EMS

European Federation of Energy Traders stated its concerns relating to the Rules on Amendments and Supplements of the Electricity Marked Code adopted by EMS on 21 October 2021, related to collateral amounts, periods and lead times of amendments’ introduction.

CHAMBERS GLOBAL PRACTICE GUIDES White – Collar Crime Serbia 2021

CHAMBERS GLOBAL PRACTICE GUIDES White – Collar Crime Serbia 2021

We are pleased to announce that JPM Partner Jelena Milinović, Head of Criminal Law and Criminal Compliance, contributed as the author of the Serbia Chapter – Law & Practice and Trends & Developments sections, of the newly released Chambers White Collar Crime 2021 Guide.

THE SECOND SEE GAMING BUSINESS FORUM – business aspects and spheres of interest of the gaming industry

THE SECOND SEE GAMING BUSINESS FORUM – business aspects and spheres of interest of the gaming industry

JPM Partner Jelena Stanković Lukić attended this year’s SEE Gaming Business Forum, the event that brought together leading global and regional industry names, regulators and technology companies, software solution providers, well-known international and local operators, and many others.

JPM Dispute Resolution team win one more

JPM Dispute Resolution team win one more

JPM confirmed a huge victory for the Lithuanian client Alita. After 10 years of battle, the Supreme Court of Cassation set aside of Final Award issued the Foreign Trade Arbitration Award, and eventually released our client on a commitment to settle a claim totaling EUR 68 million. JPM dispute resolution team was led by partner […]

Serbia agreed to the Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy

Serbia agreed to the Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy

The OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (IF) has agreed on 8 October 2021 a two-pillar solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. The Republic of Serbia is one of 136 jurisdictions that have agreed to the solution.

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