JPM Law Office

Methodology for Setting Market Premium and Methodology for Setting Feed-In-Tariff Adopted

Methodology for Setting Market Premium and Methodology for Setting Feed-In-Tariff Adopted

The Law on Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Rational Use of Energy directs that the Agency adopts these methodologies, that apply to power producers in highly efficient cogeneration, small cogeneration, and micro-cogeneration units.

The second GDPR International Conference hosted by JPM

The second GDPR International Conference hosted by JPM

We are pleased to share the satisfaction and pride of the event, which gathered over 180 professionals and answered some of the most important questions on GDPR i.e., Serbian Data Protection Act („the Act “) enforcement. European Data Protection experts shared best practices, together with the experts from the Serbian Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data Office.

Methodologies for feed-in-tariffs and market premium for renewable energy sources

Methodologies for feed-in-tariffs and market premium for renewable energy sources

On the session held on October 28, 2021, the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia has adopted Methodology for Setting Maximum Purchase Electricity Price and Methodology for Setting Maximum Feed-in-Tariff for Electricity.

Quota for market premium for wind power plants set out by the Serbian Government

Quota for market premium for wind power plants set out by the Serbian Government

Law on Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources (“Official gazette of the RS” no. 40/2021, “Law on RES”) adopted in April 2021, introduced two types of incentives for electric energy generation from renewable energy sources: i) market premium, and ii) feed-in tariffs.

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