JPM Law Office

Extension of the Program for Acquiring Montenegrin Citizenship by Investment and New Requirements

Extension of the Program for Acquiring Montenegrin Citizenship by Investment and New Requirements

On 30 December of 2021, the Government of Montenegro adopted the Decision amending the criteria, method, and procedure for the selection of persons who may acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission.

The Existence and Enforceability of Smart Contracts under Serbian Law

The Existence and Enforceability of Smart Contracts under Serbian Law

Although today, in different aspects of social life and economy, we learn to live and work with emerging technologies, when it comes to the use of smart contracts, the question remains whether the modern contract law is applicable to smart contracts, are they enforceable and what are potential limitations.

Belgrade restaurant ‘Ima dana’ in Skadarlija sold to BG UrbanLUX

Belgrade restaurant ‘Ima dana’ in Skadarlija sold to BG UrbanLUX

We are pleased to announce that the company BG Urban Lux, advised by JPM,  has successfully completed the transaction of acquisition of ‘Ima dana’ restaurant in Skadarlija –  the oldest and most famous bohemian quarter in the heart of Belgrade.

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