JPM Law Office

Montenegro – Setting the legal framework for issuing visas and residence permits to digital nomads

Montenegro – Setting the legal framework for issuing visas and residence permits to digital nomads

On 18 May 2022, a Bill on Amendments to the Law on foreigners (hereinafter: “Bill”), was submitted to the Parliament, introducing legislative solutions for obtaining visas and residence permits for digital nomads.  

New developments in legal framework for tax reliefs for companies in research and development sector

New developments in legal framework for tax reliefs for companies in research and development sector

Serbian Personal Income Tax Law and Serbian Corporate Income Tax Law, as well as the Serbian Law on Mandatory Social Insurance Contributions, prescribe tax and social insurance contributions related reliefs for companies that conduct activities of research and development in the Republic of Serbia.

Cancelation of COVID-19 Restrictive Measures for Entering the Republic of Serbia

Cancelation of COVID-19 Restrictive Measures for Entering the Republic of Serbia

More countries, that have, until recently, been considered the pandemic’s epicenter, are easing COVID restrictions. Serbia takes the same direction and cancels majority of COVID-19 related restrictive measures.

Recognition of Corporate Cards for Purchase of Goods and Services in Fiscalization and VAT Regulations

Recognition of Corporate Cards for Purchase of Goods and Services in Fiscalization and VAT Regulations

Usage of corporate cards issued by goods and services providers to their corporate clients, have been recognized and regulated by the latest amendments of relevant Serbian regulations related to fiscalization and to VAT.

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