JPM Law Office

Data Protection – eCommerce and responsibility of online retailers in direct marketing

Data Protection – eCommerce and responsibility of online retailers in direct marketing

To which extent are online retailers responsible for proper understanding and implementation of GDPR, the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Law on Electronic Communication?

Novelties in Awarding of State-Owned Agricultural Land for Non-Agricultural Purposes

Novelties in Awarding of State-Owned Agricultural Land for Non-Agricultural Purposes

The Government of the Republic of Serbia rendered the new Ordinance on Conditions, Manner and Procedure for Awarding the State-owned Agricultural Land for Use for Non-agricultural Purpose, that came into force on 10 September 2022.

Creative Industries

Creative Industries

  It is with pleasure that we share the latest article by our Partner Aleksandar Popović, ‘The Missing Link’ (Serbian language only), published by the weekly magazine NIN. An overview of the growth of the gaming industry globally and its incredible development in Serbia also points out the importance of the Creative Industries sector in […]

Responsibility of Online Retailers for Personal data in Personalized Marketing

Responsibility of Online Retailers for Personal data in Personalized Marketing

Online retailers must inform the citizens in a simple and understandable manner, what they are doing with their personal data that have been collected for the purpose of personalized marketing.

Interview Austrian KURIER on Economy and Investment Potential in Serbia

Interview Austrian KURIER on Economy and Investment Potential in Serbia

By invitation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, a group of selected Austrian economy journalists visited Serbia at the beginning of September. The aim of the visit was to present Serbian economy and advantages for potential Austrian investors.

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